My hopes for this Blog

Beste Internationale Collega, I am a Dutch TCK, married to a TCK, raising two TCK's and in my 18th year of teaching and coaching in an International school setting. It is my personal opinion that we, as those who work with International students and colleagues could use some resources in creating world classrooms; be it in Physical Education, a Kindergarten class, or AP Biology.
In my opinion an International classroom is one that has empathy for everyone's International story not only for the TCK but also for the Army kid, the missionary kid, the teacher kid, the navy kid, etc, etc. A classroom that shows who teaches there and who learns there, Internationals. Staff meetings that facilitate awareness around the topic of working and living in a transient culture. In-service sessions that give us hands on opportunities to create toolboxes which will help us connect with our peers better, with our students better and with their parents better; because we are not the same as a school back home. I am generalizing here but we are in schools where mobility and transition impact our climate, our community, our enjoyment of life, our jobs, our students and ourselves all the time. I believe that by being more aware; it will help us be a community of support, ideas, care, empathy, understanding and a willingness to learn from each other; whether you are only starting the international journey now, or whether you have been in it for a long time.
I look forward to sharing your tried and tested tricks and advice right here on The TCK Teacher. Here's to making it a small world, together; by giving ourselves and our students a safe place to call "Home" away from "Home", your classroom, our International schools. Ilse

Monday, August 1, 2016

Wall Decoration ideas (SA)

International kids are known to be creative. They like to draw, act, sing, make music, paint, write. It is said this is the case because it is a wonderful medium to use when trying to express yourself. Get your students involved in creating a space that is uniquely there's in your classroom.
All you need is some wall space and some creative thoughts. Below are a few to get you started.
I found them on Pinterest which is quite the treasure trove.

Hello - represent all the languages in your class by writing them on the wall. This could of course be another word like Welcome, Patience, Respect, Kindness, Friend,......
Personal Photo - Have each student bring in a picture of themselves that kind of embodies their character. Or it could be doing their favourite hobby, visiting a favourite place or country, eating a favourite food, or doing something that connects with your subject. Again it is your classroom yet your students will feel it is theirs as well. As these projects are personal and real. 

Favorite qoutes or slogans by students based on International themes - for example:
  1. Not all those who wander are lost
  2. and I, I took the road less traveled
  3. Friends are the family we choose for ourself
  4. Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  5. Oh the place's you'll go

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