I have shared a list with my students and then in small groups I have asked them to come up with their own list. Then I take some time to have the different groups share and of course allow for time to talk about their statements and the feelings that come with those. In turn the list could be printed and laminated and hung on the wall.
Here is a list that seems to have the most common descriptors on it. it was written by a former student of mine for buzzfeed.
31 Signs You’re A Third Culture Kid
When you share this on Facebook, it will be liked by friends from 12 different countries.
posted on Jul. 3, 2013, at 2:21 a.m.2. To everyone’s confusion, your accent changes depending on who you’re talking to.

Via reactiongifs.com
3. And you often slip foreign slang into your English by mistake, which makes you unintelligible to most people.

4. You’re really good at calculating time differences, because you have to do it every time you call your parents.

Via reddit.com
5. But you also have your computer programmed to help you out when your math fails.

Rega Jha
6. You start getting birthday wishes several hours before your birthday, from your friends farther east than you.

7. Your passport looks like it’s been through hell and back.

Charles Taylor / Via shutterstock.com
Or, more likely, your passports*, in the plural.
8. You have a love-hate relationship with the question “Where are you from?”

Miramax Films/Paramount Vantage
You have both a short and long answer ready, and you pick one depending on who’s asking.
9. You run into your elementary school friends in unlikely countries at unlikely times.

10. You’ve spent an absurd and probably unhealthy amount of time on airplanes.

Paramount Pictures
12. Your list of significant others’ nationalities reads like a soccer World Cup bracket.

Handy, huh?
13. And your circle of best friends is as politically, racially, and religiously diverse as the United Nations.

15. So when you do see your best friends, you lose it a little.

16. You’ve had the most rigorous sensitivity training of all: real life.

Via vh1.tumblr.com
Always take your shoes off in a Thai household, but never show the soles of your feet to an Arab.
17. You get nervous whenever a form needs you to enter a “permanent address.”

18. You know that McDonald’s tastes drastically different from country to country.

Via edition.cnn.com
And you can rank them from best to worst.
19. You’re a food snob because you’ve sampled the best and most authentic of every possible cuisine.

20. You convert any price to two different currencies before making significant purchases.

CVM / Via shutterstock.com
22. You often find yourself singing along to songs in languages you don’t speak or understand.

25. Love it or hate it, you have a strong and well-informed opinion on the I.B. system.

26. The end of the school year was always bittersweet because so many people moved away.

28. But the constant flow of new friends more than made up for it.

29. Now you feel incredibly lucky to have loved ones and memories scattered all over the globe.

30. You know better than anyone else that “home” isn’t a place, it’s the people in it.

Via weheartit.com
31. And you can’t wait to see where your life adventure takes you next.

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